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Obama gets his Bush on, bombs Libya, plays God

Written By Alfred Haynes on Monday, March 21, 2011 | Monday, March 21, 2011

You can't see Nicolas Sarkozy's other hand, because it's stuck up Obama's back. 

If you voted for Obama's change-pimping-rhetoric, because you thought he would give America a much-needed break from warmongering and leadership tainted with a god-complex, you must be kicking yourself pretty damn hard, right now. 

Once again, an American president is sticking his nose in another country's business, and claiming his baseless actions are for the greater good of the people.

Following France's lead and their commitment to oil, U.S. warships participated in the bombing of Libya, early Sunday morning.

Obama claims our involvement, in what's sure to spiral into another American-taxpayer-funded-bloodbath, is crucial in ending Muammar Gaddafi's dictatorship.

Question: If the Obama Administration is so damned concerned about saving people from evil dictators, why haven't we bombed Cuba, Yemen, or Saudi Arabia?

While Obama is playing Simon Says with the French, he'd be wise to keep in mind that his pal Nicolas Sarkozy, just a few short years ago, greeted Gaddafi with open arms; and if and when the political poo-poo hits the fan, the U.S. may find itself at war with Libya -- without any support from France.


towanda said...

"Yes we can" really meant we can bomb whoever we want. "hope" meant, we better hope he's not serving us a plate of crap and "change" is what you get at the grocery store!
I voted for all that and am incredibly disappointed in many things about Obama's administration that are so similar to the Bush administration. What, is "Dubya" an advisor? Who the hell cares if there is a civil war there? How about taking care of this country FIRST! Here's an idea..take the money we spend on wars and feed and house the poorest of this country. We have CHILDREN in this country who don't have food, or shoes or books for school. WTF are we doing?

Timothy Fitz said...

Now we know why Obama refused to go after Bush for HIS war crimes. Obama was obviously planning to commit a few war crimes of his own.

Apparently, reports that no one was injured in the Libyan bombing are not true. There is video of a charred body on the streets where the bombing occurred.

Maybe someone should send that video to Obama's children, so they see what their father really stands for.

Rudy said...

towand & Timothy: I agree! :)

No current president ever went after a previous president for war crimes or anything else. :(

Of course Obama and Bush II are the same. Obama and Bush I (who talked about New World Order often) are pro-One World Government. Kissinger, along with the Bilderberg(er)s are preparing Obama for this.

Also, Obama is from the Daley Machine, which is self explanatory. :)

What do people expect from someone who barely served three years of a six year US Senate Term? Year One, Obama mostly voted present. Year Two, Obama went on his autobiography book tour. Year Three, Obama ran for US President.

Anonymous said...

I never voted for Obama because I knew the deal coming from the Chi. I respect the duyba more than this fool because at least when he did it, he was trying to get bin-laden but it went all down hill trying to be captain save a hoe to arabpeople. but this Libya situation makes no sense other than him being a puppet to George Soro's agenda in them wanting to gather all the muslim nations to come together and attack Isreal

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