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Katie Holmes' Ellen DeGeneres interview: she finally explains Suri's 'Penis Gummies' candy

Written By Alfred Haynes on Thursday, March 31, 2011 | Thursday, March 31, 2011

I have often wondered if Tom Cruise hooked up with Katie Holmes because she is an empty-headed sock puppet. Finally, I have my answer.

By now, everyone and their mama has heard about Tom and Katie's daughter, Suri, being photographed holding a box of Penis Gummies.

The story goes: Katie and Suri were in a New York store called Serendipity, when 4-year-old Suri scooped up a box of candy, with penis-shaped, suckable treats inside.

According to a forthcoming interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Katie Holmes said she was too afraid to ask her daughter to put the x-rated candy back.

"We go in and we're waiting for a table, and she grabs some gummies that are 'boy part' gummies, and I was horrified! P-E-N-I-S gummies, and they look like it. She was holding the box, and I was like, 'Wow, we don't need that right now,' because I thought if I said, 'Put that back,' then she's going to say, 'What is it?' and I don't really want to have that conversation," said the obviously weak parent.

A grown woman who is too afraid to confront a 4-year-old, or have a conversation about sex, isn't mature enough to be a mother. I can only imagine what little Suri gets away with at home, because her mommy is too afraid to be a responsible parent.

Nicole Kidman... girl... I am so happy you moved on, and I bet you are, too!


Anonymous said...

The person who wrote this article must not be a parent. You have completely taken what she said out of context! She never said she was afraid of her daughter! Four and five year olds ask a lot of questions, which is what Katie was trying to keep Suri from doing in a public place. I think she handled the situation very well. By not over reacting like a lot of other parents would she prevented making it more of an issue. However, it is articles like this that are turning something so simple into something so huge.

Timothy Fitz said...

Who is in charge, Suri or Katie? Where I come from, when a parent tells you to put something back, you do it.

I am so sick of weak parents raising self-entitled kids who know no boundaries.

Instead of acting like a REAL parent, Katie took the passive approach and allowed her daughter to be photographed holding x-rated treats! Ridiculous.

Rudy said...

Timothy, I agree! :)

Katie must buy 'Super Nanny' and 'Nanny 911' DVDs, etc. now! :)

Considering that Katie gave birth to Suri the natural way, I wonder why she is scared of a penis. :)

Timothy Fitz said...

Rudy, I don't understand how anyone can defend Katie Holmes on this issue.

towanda said...

Agree with Timothy and I am a parent though my kids are now adults. I'll tell you this, if I told my kids they couldn't have something, I didn't buy it for them just to shut them up. We left and went home..period! That's part of the problem with being "PC"..kids control the parents and that backfires later in life. Suri still uses a pacifier as far as I know...What's up with that? Kids need structure, guidance and "friendly" discipline..I never hit my children but they knew when I was upset with them...they lost privileges. Parents now days need to give that a whirl:)

Anonymous said...

I am a parent of five and, thankfully, I never ever had to worry about anyone photographing any of my children doing something that the media would pick up on so they could call me a bad parent. Good thing! My kids all did things that were not angelic over the course of their childhood, but people tell me today that I did well as a parent and I'm proud of who my kids are today. If I were in Katie's shoes, I would.... well, I've never had to walk a foot in those shoes, so I really can't say.... and unless you've had to endure scrutiny every time you walk out the door, you shouldn't either.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think Timothy and all those people who wrote nasty things about Katie and little girl Suri are all out to throw mud at Katie and Surie. For me they sound very sick in their heads and frustrated and really they should have a life instead of eyeballing what Suri is doing or what Katie is doing or what somebody else is doing. They should have a life. Do not make unfounded judgements about a little girl's candy. Only sick brains would think sick because they are sick inside and out. All these guys who make a big deal out of nothing and criticize and make a mockery of little Suri's candy and Katie are sick idiots who should go to school and learn some good words and how to use them. It is very sad. I do not want to pray that you rot in hell. I am trying to extend my sympathies and be kind to you. Hope you will learn and make sure your children do not pick and eat someone elses shit. Have a life please and leave the little girl Suri and her Mom Katie to do their own business.

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