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Joshua Ledet, American Idol contestant, is not gay

Written By Alfred Haynes on Wednesday, February 22, 2012 | Wednesday, February 22, 2012

No matter what your lying eyes are telling you, American Idol hopeful, Joshua Ledet, is not gay... at least that's what his Facebook page says.

Wednesday, Leget, who is from Westlake, Louisiana, made it through to the next round.

As he sashayed his way down the runway to learn his fate, his mannerisms reminded me of another Idol contestant who was kicked off the show: Jacob Lusk.

When Lusk was on the show, I was nearly crucified when I predicted that the American Idol audience would never crown an effeminate black man as an "idol".

In the end, I was right.

Like Lusk, Leget has an amazing voice, but America isn't ready for a black male singer who comes off as being "soft".

Mark my words.


Anonymous said...

What he brings to idol is more than a voice---his soul, with all the joy and pain of humanity, reaches through the music and brings you to a place no mortal alone can take you....I listen in amazement--WHAT A GIFT !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jacob Lusk had an amazing voice ? Seriously ? He put 32 syllables into every word and did stupid runs as though that is talent. Lusk and Ledet are gay. Get over it.

Ledet has a far better voice than Lusk. Ledet is the best male voice...and his competition is going to be Elise Testone, if she makes it after butchering I'm Your Baby Tonight :-(

Anonymous said...

This years American Idol Top 13 are the worst talent yet. Last year was the best and when you think of Haley Reinhart, Casey Abrahms, Pia Toscano....it's amazing that they didn't win. NOT ONE OF THE 2012 contestants compare to the worst song of the three mentioned above.

This year sucks.....American Idol is going to have a terrible year. Just hope that XFACTOR gets straightened out.

Anonymous said...

My gaydar goes into OVERDRIVE every time I see him. My gaydar is NEVER wrong. He's gay.

Anonymous said...

I think he probably is gay, but who cares, I'm white, straight and put him in the top three. I think racism ends quicker if people stop playing the race card. So stop it Alfred.

Anonymous said...

I'm from his home town and a good family friend. Bottom line is this the Lil Hommie is not gay and i will go to war for the Hommie. He is deep into church and love the lord. I do to but god will have to forgive me because me and my k.g.b. gang will demolish y'all fools for the Lil Hommie this is not a game keep it up and see. By the my name is k-dog from lake Charles,la I'm not hard to find fool.

Anonymous said...

The question, is he a top or bottom?

Anonymous said...

whatever you own self hatred is, try not to apply you weak moralities to the rest of us. Lusk was not the best singer, perhaps that small point is to big for you still.

Anonymous said...

he is gay or needs male mannerism training. nice voice, but he is not convincing singing when a man loves a woman.

Anonymous said...

It's SO obvious but Mamma would whip his butt if she knew and Daddy is a pastor.....so can't admit that as its against bible teachings

Anonymous said...

That was creepy. A gay Guy singing that song. Didn't convince me.

Anonymous said...

I have known Josh since he was a little boy and I wish you guys would stop with the gay stuff. It is really none of your business what he does in his personal life ugh.

Anonymous said...

Don't know or care if he's gay. I do know he has an amazing voice and I hope an amazing future at the conclusion of this season. I DO believe his effeminate mannerisms will keep him from winning BUT that doesn't mean he's gay. I hope his version of 'When A Man Loves A Woman' is put out as a single do I can buy it !

Anonymous said...

i don't really care! he can sing to me all night and i'll figure out the rest later!

Anonymous said...

I would really love Joshua to win and I want to place a bet on him, but I know that (like Adam Lambert) that America won't vote for a gay AI even though I couldn't care less. So I just wanted to check first! He is ah-mazing.

Anonymous said...

So what if he is gay it does not change him as a person. It is 2012 and people are still Judging.. If he is gay that makes him an even better person/artist, because he is being true to himself. And it is none of our business, because it is a personal choice and I respect it..

Anonymous said...

Joshua is going to be a huge, singing star whether he becomes the next American Idol or not. I knew Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson had "the right stuff"too. Just saying that they all have had undeniable talent and Idol is the platform for the launch. He reminds me of Johnny Mathis in a way...if he and Gladys Knight had a love child it would be Joshua Ledet. You can be deep into a/the church and be the offspring of a pastor and still be gay. Trust me, as a gay woman I know plenty of pastor's children who are gay also. I'm for him whether he is or not,I didn't come out till I was 20 and it's different for each of us. Blessings to him, I wish him all the BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

It's 2012 stop thinking that a "deeply religious" person can't be gay! No matter how much you love the Lord your sexualty will not miraculously turn you straight! Gods alright with it!

Anonymous said...

I like that he's gay and I have a crush on him. He's handsome and sweet and has mad singing skills. I'm going to fall asleep tonight thinking about kissing that handsome man.

Anonymous said...

Wow the comments here are amazing! Get off the gay kick! And re-read your Bible about the whole gay thing! We are voting on his talent not his personal life! And if his father is a southern preacher my guess being from Louisiana originally, I'm gonna say no way he is gay! My husband is gorgeous and has feminine looks to him but is straight through and through, he was raised to respect women and be himself, which is a far cry from my first husband who was an arrogant manly man with no regard to women! So bottom line is maybe he is a lover, not a fighter, and loves the Lord and that's GREAT! And he can sing to boot! Go Jesus Lover, you deserve to win!

Anonymous said...

For whoever said it, God is NOT okay with people being gay. It is said over and over that sexual immorality is a sin. We are NOT here on earth to satisfy our own desires of the flesh, but to honor and serve the Lord. We are not here to serve our bodies. If we were meant to be gay, we would be able to procreate that way - not possible the way the Lord intended. As for Joshua, He is indeed an amazing singer and I hope he succeeds to serve the Lord and to share his gift.

Anonymous said...

Hes gay, hes a diva and he will be a star.

Anonymous said...

Haters, Leave Joshua alone.
This is just a ruse to arouse negative vibes for the kid so he gets to lose winning votes. I say:Joshua all the way!.

Anonymous said...

Go Joshua!!! I want u to win!!!

Team Louisiana !!!

Team TRAYVON Martin!!!

Anonymous said...

I so agree!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When all the negative people go and show ur talent then read the comments on what people say about u, quit sure it's not all bells and whistles. Sing on joshua god blessed you with that gift don' let satan negative distract you no ones perfect but your voice sing brother sing

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that his father and older brothers were too busy to teach him how to walk hard. If he's not gay, I hope all the gay crusaders - masquerading as straight men - don't try to turn him out.

Anonymous said...

In all honesty I question his sexuality but it doesn't make a difference to me either way. He is a human being 1st,a man 2nd, and has undeniable talent as singer/artist. His personal life is just that...PERSONAL. So good luck to him in the competition and win or lose he is already an establised artist. So blessings and well wishes to Mr. Joshua Ledet

Anonymous said...

I'm with the writer on a lot of things here whether he is gay or straight,He can sing,my mind definitely flashed to Jacob, and I have a blog and when I first saw I wrote the same thing .. while I believe he is one of the best singer's there (I'll say the best), the Idol audience will not crown a black guy as soft as Jacob in. I'd like him to win, but I doubt that if it will happen. He;ll go far but he won;t win.

Anonymous said...

Joshua is NOT gay. He definately likes the women. I know him personally...trust me HE IS NOT and NEVER WAS gay.

Anonymous said...

I agree not all feminine acting men are gay, that is just how he his that does not mean he likes other men he could be attracted to more aggressive women who knows and who cares he is talented and America should focus on that.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he's gay. I pick up that he's a little "other worldly". He is spiritual so he acts in that way. He seems like he loves people from afar but doesn't necessarily act on it. One other thing I get is that he's very intelligent. And a really good human being. I'm glad he's going to be a big star.

Anonymous said...

Jesus has truly blessed this young man with a great voice. My prayers is that he use it for the Lord.

Anonymous said...

I happen to think Joshua is very talented and as far as gay or straight I happen to know other preacher kids and they happen to act more tender, they come off as being gay but in reality they are just tender and sweet because they grew up in homes where they are being raised by a sweet parents and they are taught to respect women. From what I hear, I have never met one but there are gay christians but just because you say you believe in Jesus doesn't make you a christian. And yes christians are suppose to love our neighbors we are not to judge others but don't say God is okay with gay people, becuase he is not. The Bible says that's one major sin that will keep you from going to heaven. We have to love our neighbors but we don't have to love their ways. :)

Anonymous said...

No i dont believe God is ok with someone being gay. It clearly states in the bible that a man shall not ly with another man as he lies with a woman. God is very forgiving but that doesnt mean he approves of this.

Anonymous said...

Hey this is racisum!! Who cares if he's black or if he may come out to be a little queer!!! That doesn't mean that he can't win american idol!!! American idol is about your siging ability not your color or what sex you like!!

Anonymous said...

I know joshua personnally, sw him grow up,relative to my children, humble person, greww up in a home of humbe people, he has had girlfriends. he loves everyone and chooses his friend carefully

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone wasting time trying to figure out if Joshua is gay or not!! He has the most amazing singing voice and talent I have ever seen on American Idol!

When he sings and performs, it's like being on a spiritual plane!!

He will have a phenomenal career ahead whether he wins or not, but in my opinion...he is the American Idol..

Anonymous said...

He is so gay. He is a good singer I have to admit but I'm not his/her biggest fan.

Either Jessica/Phillip/Hollie will win

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, god doesn't exist. There is no God, we should just love who we love while we're here, cause then we will be gone, just dust in the wind.

Anonymous said...

"Don't worry, god doesn't exist..." You'll be eating your words when you're spending eternity in hell. As for most of the other comments on here, I feel like my IQ has dropped reading the majority of these comments.

Anonymous said...

He does act a bit feminine, but as far as determining wether he is homosexual (def:--one who is sexually attracted or engages in sexual intercourse with the same sex) or not, that is a harder issue to come to. I am a Masculine God loving African American Male. I see these young men often in different settings, and pray for them. Perhaps it would be better that we pray that God would provide in any area of his masculinity that a father did not. Many young black men who act feminine or lack masculinity have been raised by momma alone and never learned the importance of not acting like momma do the lack of Masculine influence. God bless u and if you don't know Jesus. Get to know him today. He is the bridge to eternal life.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Enough! The man can sing....end of.

Anonymous said...

There is no god, and the bible is BS. Stop using that fictional book to prop up your bigotry.

Anonymous said...

It's 2012 , shouldn't be an issue! He's truly talented; hope he wins!

Anonymous said...

Josh may or may not be gay, and of course he doesn't act manly, but it's none of our business really. He is the last child of a big Christian family and his mannerisms are what one could expect from the "baby" boy.

Anonymous said...

I find it sad that he won't acknowledge that he is gay. We have dated. I am a guy and he is 100% awesome gay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Are kidding me....

Why does the Race & Queer "Card" always have to be played.. ?

Enough... People Like you .... Nevermind.. Its NO USE !!!


Anonymous said...

I don't care what all of you people are saying about Joshua...he is very sweet and comes from a good Christian upbringing. He is the best singer and he will win American Idol...just sayin!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like u were wrong huh top 3

Anonymous said...

First of all you people drive me nuts lol. Josh is a wonderful singer and should win for his talents. My opinion I like Phillip the best but overall talent josh has it. As for you people talking about god really like you know what god wants. Untill he of she(god) tells u the shut the Fu$!! Up. Really a catholic priest can rape a boy and it's ok cuz he's a servant if god. Bottom line keep your faith to your self and simply just be a good human and quit judging people cuz you yourself are not happy

Anonymous said...

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you were right!

Anonymous said...

I think every1 has their lives to live,so what if hes Gay?Hes only Human,Thats abt it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trust me.....this guy is not gay! All the ladies can back me on that. He's a church boy, he aint worrying about swag, just being himself. The ladies love it! But keep hating because it makes him more popular :)

Anonymous said...

Thats whats up k-dog, tellm like it is. Im with you....they dont knw what they talking about.

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