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Jacob's "aunt": "He needs male mentors to teach him how to be man". |
When I decided to address the rumors that American Idol’s sole black contestant might be homosexual, and could possibly be kicked off the show because of his “soft” mannerism, I had no idea my article would be read 6,297 times and counting.
A woman who identified herself as Jacob’s aunt, left a rather interesting comment on my article, “Gay rumors: Is Jacob Lusk too 'femme' to be the next American Idol?". The commenter claims that Lusk is not gay and that his family has been trying to pray Jacob’s femme ways away!
“For those that are Christians, you know that a person being effeminate is not a person being homosexual. We have PRAY and "FAST and PRAY" for that spirit to be removed”, said Jacob’s “aunt”.
Then the anonymous commenter said, “We also have to as(k) the Holy Spirit to send POSITIVE MALE MENTORS to help teach him about being a man--something that women (including myself) cannot do no matter how much we try. Jacob LOVES THE LORD and is a genuine Christian.”
Although I believe Jacob’s “aunt” is well-intentioned, her comments raise a lot of concerns.
As a gay man, I once struggled with my own sexual identity. And I can tell you, without any hesitation, that praying does not change someone’s DNA. YOU ARE, WHO YOU ARE!
If Jacob's own family is trying to cast out his girlie "spirits", there is no way in hell America is going to accept Jacob like he is. He might as well quit the show and go home.
Poor Jacob.
Re: Gays
From Gays I've known over the years, I was told the following:
Some men are gay via biology/DNA. Some men are gay from male molestation. Some men are gay by choice.
Re: Effeminate
Gender mannerisms and sexual identity aren't always mutually exclusive.
Re: Aunt
If the aunt felt Jascob's alleged effeminacy was an issue, then she needed to call a family meeting with her sister, Jacob's Mom way before adulthood.
Re: Prayer
For anything imaginable, prayer works! :) Prayer is *NOT* a one time deal on an "issue" with Jesus, nor is the request granted immediately.
Rudy, you are entitled to your belief that prayer "works for anything imaginable", but I disagree.
Plenty of people pray for loved ones with terminal illnesses, and yet, they still die. I'm sure a lot of people who were trapped in the Twin Towers on 9/11 also prayed to be rescued... look how that turned out.
There is nothing wrong with Jacob being femme or (allegedly) gay. So as far as I am concerned, there is nothing to pray about.
By the way, I'm an atheist. So you and I will have to agree to disagree.
Pray the gay away? Come on Rudy, that just is like one of the silliest things you have said. People do not CHOOSE to be gay...not in this society where hate abounds and is alive and well.
Guess you haven't heard about the "codices" they found? Better look that up and read about them. You may be in for a shock.
towanda, I didn't say the pray the gay away. :)
I reported what some Gay friends told me. :)
What is "codices"?
Timothy, I didn't say (or claim) that anything is "wrong" with Jacob. :) It would be Jacob's decision to pray about anything imaginable or not. My prayer comment was general, not about Gays too. :)
I also said the prayer request isn't granted immediately. I can't give an answer why terminal illness and 9/11 people died. :(
towanda, I agree that "nobody" chooses discrimination of any kind. :)
My prayer comment was general, not directed at Gays. :)
I can only report what Gays have told me. :)
There is only one lawgiver & judge he who is able to save & to destroy.But who r we to judge ur neighbor.Jacob have enough going on his life he said he have been through something we don't know everything.we find out somethings about a person & run with how we know he's not hurting from the negativity,peoples hurt other peoples with words,why can't peoples stand together against negative word.you've heard the phrase,sticks & stones may break my bones,but words will never hurt me.It's not true..like a poisonous snake gossip can kill u peoples murder with there tongue.Peoples love to talk about the alleged actions of others.It destorys ur character r ur personal reputation.
Jacob is not gay !!!!! I thought he was toi till i watched the AI episode that involved the TMZ show , am i the only one who caught him asking if the girl was single ???????? Who cares nehow !! Its his voice we r suppose to b judging not his character. Only one man is the judge of that & thats not u or I.
You know,
Everyone tip toes around the gay issue because they don't want to offend, and hurt gay people.
The truth is, that unless they repent God will not accept them into His Kingdom, but He does most certainly love them as He loves all people, and we all have to love them and all sinners to be accepted by God ourselves.
The issue is that humans who sin, or do things that God did not create us to do, serve themselves and not God. They are accepted in this world and defended in this world, but not in heaven. We are suppose to love gays, fornicators, adulterers, etc..., but that doesn't change the facts about how God made the human body to be used, and His judgment for those who refuse to repent. Spermicides were not created by God to be distributed into the rectum where waste and poisons are released from the human body, but this is what happens with gay sex.
Everyone knows this, but don't want to confront gay people. It is the elephant in the room, the truth about what happens behind closed doors with gay sex. God loves all of us, but unless you live in these bodies the way God intended, you will display your hatred for who God is because He is the designer of these bodies and will not accept personal opinions on how they should be made or used.
Also, these demons how capture Gods beautiful children and convince them to misuse their bodies, really hate humans. It is their entire desire to lead all humans to death to hurt God. We were born into sin, but not born to sin. No one was ever created to go against or misuse anything that God created, especially the human body which is suppose to be the temple of God.
Anonymous, April 29, 2011, 6:41 AM:
You are the judgmental hypocrite, especially when you wish people to hell and call Jacob's aunt a "bitch".
Only God decides who enters Hell and Heaven. With your desire to "visit" Hell", you could wind up there yourself.
What on earth does a guy's sexuality have to do with whether he's a good enough singer to win the contest? This is pathetic. Pathetic! If your home is burning down and a firefighter arrives to save you, does it matter what his sexuality is? If a brain surgeon can save your kid's life does it matter what his sexuality is? What about your plumber, optician, bus driver? Some people's stupidity is downright scary.
Honestly I feel bad for Jacob. Its true that being Effeminate and being gay are not the same thing. A man raised by pure woman could end up having a effeminate way about him, but that doesn't mean he is attracted to other men. This may simply be the behavioural traits he was raised with. I think in labelling any effeminate male as homesexual you are stero typing and trapping that person into a corner. You take away their freedom to be themselves without having to be labelled and judged for something he may or may not be. Until the man openly say's he's Gay, assume he's just an effeminate straight man. Its not fair to him otherwise. I don't like this mindset...that seems to come especially from the Gay community that if you exhibit any behavioural traits often found in gay men or women...the label you gay. And if you deny it they simply laugh it off saying your just not ready to come out of the closet. Let that person decide who they are. If they are Gay I'm sure they will appreciate the support of the gay community...but for crying out loud being gay doesnt make you a expert on being able to judge everyone else. There are feminine men in this world that are straight. They have a right to be that way without being judged to be something they arn't. So how about we let Jacob decide what he is. If he hasn't announced he's gay...lets not jump the gun!
What about Adam Lambert?
Anonymous said: "children, children, all of you. You need to be putting your mind on the important things of this world, like, where you will spend eternity?"
Based on your bible, either way it goes, I will get to live forever. Be it heaven or hell, I'll always be around. Besides, I LOVE warm weather.
Your brainwashing tactics may work on the less astute, but I'm immune to religious indoctrination.
As long as I know ex-gays, I believe that prayers might change anything.
But I believe as well that Jacob is the one who has to want it to change.
I believe his aunt...
Just hope Jacob is not deceiving everybody... making fool on his family, and living a gay "second life"...
As Louis Pasteur used to say:
"Few inteligence put men away from God;
Massive inteligence bring men near to God"
Well, it's something like that...
Well Timothy I am Jacob's Uncle, and you can count on this being true because I posted it on your blog. Well I say that Jacob and I chew tobacco, shoot rifles and pinch the bottoms of beautiful women. Oh and I am also the governor of New York and a King of a small country in Europe. Also Timothy you can feel comfortable in sending me all your money because I'm also an investor.
Sincerely, Uncle Lusk
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