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Maine gets health care waiver, waves off Obama's Affordable Care Act

Written By Alfred Haynes on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 | Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Revving up for the 2012 elections, Obama has kowtowed to political pressure and has granted the state of Maine a three-year waiver, giving an estimated 2 million people the right to opt-out of Obamacare.

According to The Hill, New Hampshire, Nevada, and Kentucky are seeking similar exemptions.

Citing financial profit concerns - the only concerns insurance companies ever have - the Maine Bureau of Insurance asked the Obama Administration for permission to retain their current 65% ratio (the amount of revenue actually spent on health care) versus the 80% ratio set fourth in the Affordable Care Act.

Is Obama finally admitting his failed attempt at health care reform is unconstitutional, or is this another example of President Obama's willingness to say and do anything for a second term in office?


towanda said...

At this point, for me, he seems more like Bush everyday and won't get my vote. Too bad he had to become like all the rest of the politicians "leading" us around by the nose. Their all just interested in their own agenda including the "Tea Party". "Of the people, by the people, for the people" my ass!

Timothy Fitz said...

All politicians are potential clowns. Obama is the latest member to join the circus.

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