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American Idol: Haley Reinhart screams through Michael Jackson’s 'Earth Song', 'I Who Have Nothing'

Written By Alfred Haynes on Sunday, May 15, 2011 | Sunday, May 15, 2011

Haley Reinhart caught a major attitude when two American Idol judges told her the truth about one of her performances.

Haley, who often confuses passionate vocals with screaming at the top of her lungs, desecrated Michael Jackson’s Earth Song on tonight’s episode of A.I. 

When Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson gave Haley their honest opinions, Haley became visibly upset and even back-talked the judges.

Randy told Haley that she didn’t deliver the song. Randy was right.

The song was too big for Haley. The unseasoned vocalist wasn’t able to emote the same emotional urgency that Michael Jackson brought to the table. Instead, Haley shouted the Earth Song’s poignant lyrics like an elephant was tap dancing on her baby toe.

During her second performance, Haley took on another huge song, I Who Have Nothing.

Although the judges praised the season 10 contestant’s rendition, I was not impressed. Again, instead of bringing real emotion to the song, Haley simply screamed at the top of her lungs.

I think we know who is going home next.


Haley's bad attitude! said...

Haley has a horribly bad attitude. She can't take criticism at all. That's why she'll never make it in the business.

Anonymous said...

I didn't appreciate Haley's bad attitude. I'm not all that impressed with her singing and I'm really not impressed with her rudeness towards the judges. I was appalled at the way she spoke to them. I think she needs to be voted out this week.

Anonymous said...

Wrong! Ha ha...Hayley rocks. James was overconfident and had a huge ego. He was constantly milking the audience for applause. He deserved to be eliminated from the show as it will be a reality check.

Thomas said...

Haley is maybe the worst singer to ever make it this far on this show. The fact she advanced after butchering Michael Jackson's Earth Song is an embarrassment to the show.

Anonymous said...

By "stank" attitude you mean, "chill." She was signed to Interscope and her album will be out soon. Look for it boys and girls.

This is what Steven Tyler told Ryan later about Haley's Earth Song performance:


Steven emphatically told Haley, "Don't listen to them! They're both wrong!" He told Ryan later, "Randy's not a singer...She nailed it. She used her voice just the way she was supposed to...she delivered it like the blue plate special, it was just so good...it showed she had emotion, and it showed she could sing...(the bussing) pissed me off...the best singers have character...If you watch Reinhart up there, every bad comment she gets, it rolls right off, that's how good she is..."

The best (performers) are the ones us ordinary folks can find character in…not just the great singing…If you watch Reinhart up there, every bad comment she gets, it rolls right off. That’s how good she is. The one thing I’m a little afraid of, America’s been wrong before. The very one that came out on top, didn’t win first, right? They were on the back lines? Sometimes that character is a little bit to push people away.

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