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Osama Bin Laden dead, killed in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan

Written By Alfred Haynes on Sunday, May 1, 2011 | Sunday, May 01, 2011

For the last three days, President Barack Obama has been sitting on a very big secret.

Today, it was announced that Osama Bin Laden, the purported leader of Al Qaeda and the alleged mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 attacks - is dead.

Bin Laden was reportedly killed by U.S. soldiers in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, three days ago.

In a speech from the White House, Obama made it clear that although he is pleased with Bin Laden's demise, America is not at war with Islam or Muslims.

According to several news reports, Bin Laden's body is in U.S. custody.

This puts an end to a nearly 10-year manhunt for Bin Laden, but the purported Al Qaeda leader's death is sure to spark more violence and terrorist attacks.

Map of Abbottabad, Pakistan:

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Anonymous said...

Who cares about Bin Laden?! Find us jobs Mr. President!

Anonymous said...

this changes nothing!the same foreign policies that got us into 9/11 will keep the violence going!

Obama did it! said...

Bush couldn't do it, but Obama did! Obama in 2012!

Rudy said...

Neither Bush or Obama captured bin Laden. :)

Anonymous said...

How much you wanna bet that right before election time there will be another US "terrorist" attack?

Anonymous said...

The firefight lasted about 40 minutes. That seems fitting; time enough for him to experience rising fear, then dread, and to anxiously pray he would get out alive as the tension mounted, the same sort of situation his deeds put the 9/11 victims through. For this guy, what went around, truly came around. Justice indeed.

Rudy said...

Timothy, your justice question answers will vary by perspective. I know hatred can eat away at a person ('s soul).

Timothy Fitz said...

What is that old saying? Hatred destroys the vessel that carries it?

America is supposed to be a Christian nation, but what I am seeing on the news isn't very Christian-like; at least not by biblical standards. People who actually believe in god, would be praying for Bin Laden's soul, not rejoicing in his violent death.

Rudy said...


Since Madlyn Murray O'Hare, Rob Sherman, Sexual Revolution, Woodstock and the Great Society, America is akin to a hedonistic, Satanic nation.

Anonymous said...

Timothy Fitz said...
'Bin Laden is dead. His worries are over. Meanwhile, thousands of families are still mourning Sept. 11, 2001. How is this justice?'

Do the families of victims not usually feel a sense of justice when their loved ones' killer pays for his crimes?

If you don't believe this is justice, can you suggest what you believe would be justice for these people? Please enlighten us.

Rudy said...


Aren't you pro-death penalty for ghetto thugs? The ghetto thug can only die once too.

Anonymous said...

Timothy, you ask how is bin laden's death justice for terror victims, well according to the BBC they do feel it is justice, or at least some of them:

'The loved ones of people killed in al-Qaeda attacks have been responding to the news Osama Bin Laden has been killed by US forces in Pakistan.

'One Briton, who lost his partner in the 7 July 2005 bombings in London, said he felt justice had been done.'

Anonymous said...

Tim, perhaps you can explain. Osama once said: “We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us.”

Why then did he hide for so long? If he liked death why did he not just give himself up and face the death penalty for mass murder?

Or if he liked death so much why wasn't he one of the pilots on 9/11, instead of leaving other Arabs to go to their deaths while he remained out of harm's way?

Timothy Fitz said...

Rudy said: Timothy, Aren't you pro-death penalty for ghetto thugs? The ghetto thug can only die once too.

Rudy, I think you have misunderstood my stance. I have said many times that I am relieved the threat has been removed. The military did their job. The mission has been accomplished.

But in my book, this is not justice. There is no justice for happened on 9/11, because the act was unjustified.

Anonymous, if Bin Laden's death has brought even the slightest comfort to those who lost a loved one in the attacks on 9/11, then good for them. Hopefully, they will be able to move forward without the burden of hatred in their hearts.

Anonymous said...

Timothy Fritz said: 'There is no justice for happened on 9/11, because the act was unjustified.'

What you are saying isn't clear to me. Do you mean 9/11 was an unjustified act or killing bin laden was unjustified?

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "Tim, perhaps you can explain. Osama once said: “We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us.”

Why do Christians have life-saving operations? If they believe in god and heaven, why not just give up and die?

With the exception of extreme cases of brainwashing and mental illness, it is natural to want to live. Every living creature, even a bug, has an instinct to survive.

Now, I have a question for you. How many people would run for president in the U.S., if they actually had to go out and fight the wars they start?

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous: "What you are saying isn't clear to me. Do you mean 9/11 was an unjustified act or killing bin laden was unjustified?"

9/11 was an unjustified act. The people in those towers had nothing to do with our shady foreign affairs, or whatever set those terrorists off.

Anonymous said...

Now don't be ingenuous, Tim, christians don't go around saying they love death and you know it. But bin laden said it and he didn't walk the walk.

By making that statement, what he was trying to do was inspire more impressionable young muslims to die for his cause while he kept his butt safely in a cave and made the odd videotape.

You know that's true even if you won't acknowledge it. He was happy to hoodwink others to go out with the AK47s and the bombs and do the dying (which he professed to love) for him.

Anonymous said...

Timothy Fitz said ... 'There is no justice for [what] happened on 9/11, because the act was unjustified.'

This statement puzzles me, Tim. If I enter a bank and kill three tellers while robbing it ... or climb through a neighbour's window and strangle him to death . . . or deliberately crash a car into a pedestrian and kill him ... none of those acts is justified.

But if I was caught and punished, surely that would be justice? As the saying goes, I have been "brought to justice".

Anonymous said...

I'm not an American but take issue with your statement about "our shady foreign affairs or whatever set those terrorists off".

That statement indicates to me that you blame the US for 9/11. Look, I'm no expert on US foreign affairs but you don't massacre 3000 innocent people in the most barbaric manner because you oppose their country's policies. There are other ways.

If you're defending those attacks you're engaging in a futile exercise because they're indefensible.

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "Now don't be ingenuous, Tim, christians don't go around saying they love death and you know it. But bin laden said it and he didn't walk the walk."

I wasn't being disingenuous. A lot of Christians claim to love the lord more than anything, but they'll do anything in their power to delay their "meeting".

By the way, I agree. It's possible Bin Laden was a great manipulator; most "effective" leaders are skillful puppeteers.

Anonymous said...

I told you I'm not up with the play on US foreign policy. I'm not an American. Other than the Israel issue, and in particular the Israelis' hold on holy sites, I'm unsure what reasons al Qaeda gave as justification for 9/11 and their attacks against US interests even earlier than that.

As I said, in my view nothing justifies such attacks. But am I correct in assuming you believe differently, that the attacks WERE justified?

What in your opinion were the motives?

towanda said...

They have been after him, like a bloodhound, since August of last year. It's a great day BUT make no mistake about it, there will be retaliation for his death. It's what the extremist terrorists do. Be on alert, pay attention to your surroundings..heads up people!

There are many conspiracy theories out there..why couldn't BUSH get him in 8 years? Did he really even care? Took Obama 2 years to get him and knew where he was only a year and a half into his presidency. These wars are simply because "daddy Bush" went into Kuwait, Saddam tried to assassinate "Daddy" so "Jr" wanted revenge. If you think the terrorist won't want revenge, your'e dreaming.

Rudy said...


I suppose, we shouldn't kill the ghetto thugs who murder and rape. "We" see the outcomes of that.

Regarding bin Laden's "Death Parties", because I am not God or Jesus, I can't comment on what they would say.

Personally, I am not celebrating, nor am I shedding tears for bin Laden's death. My response is the same, as it was for Son of Sam, Gacy, Jones and Dahmer.

"Now, I have a question for you. How many people would run for president in the U.S., if they actually had to go out and fight the wars they start?"

I don't know. I have no interest in the presidency and military. :)

"Why do Christians have life-saving operations? If they believe in god and heaven, why not just give up and die?"

Where's the "some" or "most"? Just saying "Christians" implies all.

"With the exception of extreme cases of brainwashing and mental illness, it is natural to want to live. Every living creature, even a bug, has an instinct to survive."

God told us not to kill, which includes/implies ourselves.

When "most" of us die, "we" wind up in a hospital or nursing home. Those doctors and nurses are under orders to keep "us" alive, unless we have a health care directive that says otherwise.

Again, this sounds like "all". Not everyone wants to live. I have considered suicide at times.

"I wasn't being disingenuous. A lot of Christians claim to love the lord more than anything, but they'll do anything in their power to delay their "meeting"."

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