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Photos, pictures of Osama Bin Laden’s dead body: Why?

Written By Alfred Haynes on Sunday, May 1, 2011 | Sunday, May 01, 2011

Now that the manhunt is over for Osama Bin Laden, will Americans finally get closure?

Hearing that Bin Laden was shot to death in a mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan, will not be enough for some bloodthirsty souls. Some people, namely Americans, will not be satisfied until pictures of Osama Bin Laden’s dead body are plastered across every newspaper and website known to mankind.

But why?

Photos of Bin Laden’s corpse will not bring back the thousands of people who were killed in the attacks on September 11, 2001. Pictures of Bin Laden’s dead body will not undo his decades of alleged tyranny.

One angry reader left a comment on a news site saying he wanted to see Bin Laden’s head mounted on a stick where the World Trade Center once stood.

Have we learned anything from the past?


Anonymous said...

Timothy you are sad sad man..

Thru this war on terror the American people have seen their fellow country men decapitated on the internet by the hands of small minded backwardassed islamic terrorist. I think seeing Bin Ladens body is only fair, after mothers and fathers have been stolen from their children thanks to Bin Laden.

The only sad point of this story is he can only die once! Lets hope there is a HELL and if there is, he should be burning well by now.

Anonymous said...

The relatives of the innocent people murdered on 9/11 deserve to see his corpse splashed all over the media. When your husband, son, wife, daughter, whoever, had to throw themselves 50 storeys to their death to avoid the fiery fate bin laden created for them they have a right to see his body and gloat, as bin laden did on tape about the victims. He giggled like a schoolgirl about it. Personally, I have no interest in seeing his body. Incidentally, I am not American but I believe he got the death he deserved.

Anonymous said...

I think I read something about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in the bible last time I looked, about 20 years ago. You are coming across as an apologist for this guy. If you killed 3000 people wouldn't you expect retribution to one day come your way? This "human being" you speak of, and I must admit I find it difficult to describe this dreadful creature as such, destroyed 3000 people in the most wicked way and ruined the lives of countless thousands more. He'd have destroyed many more if he had the chance, millions I imagine. So, yes, you bet I'm celebrating his end. Who knows how many innocent lives the loss of his will save.

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "I think I read something about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth in the bible last time I looked, about 20 years ago"

The bible does not endorse revenge or violence. I'm an atheist, and even I know that. In the bible, the only entity that is allowed to be violent, is god.

In reference to an eye for eye, the bible says:

"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also".

So, once again, I'd like to hear from someone who actually knows the bible and believes in god. :-)

You said I sound like an apologist. But I think I sound like a man who is asking a legitimate question -- a question you are having a hard time answering.

If you celebrate violence, how are you any different from the people you call terrorists?

Anonymous said...

So what should the US have done, just let him go merrily along his way? Surely you wouldn't rather he was left all safe and snug in his mansion, plotting to kill lots of other innocent people? He hit the US, the US hit back. Sorry, but I'm glad that particular danger is now gone, and I see nothing wrong with his picture being spread all over the media. Do you think if one of his killers had managed to gun down Obama today or one of Britain's royal family at the wedding that the pictures wouldn't be all over the media? Please explain: Why should it be any different for this guy?

Anonymous said...

So let’s get this straight Timothy McVeigh Jr BOY,
You are an atheist, yet your requesting scripture led opinions on the justification of revenge killing? Please cleanse us of your moronic enlightenments Timmy, because you are quite a bandwagon boy. God created man, man isn’t perfect, God gave Jesus, Jesus did for man because God created an imperfect man, man commits sin, sin is forgiven because Jesus died for man.. God created man, gave man instincts, in turn giving us the emotion of REVENAGE and JUSTICE. Thru out the bible punishment and vindication occurs. But who really gives a shit, I don’t. If thou shall not kill, then so be it, but we are also saved from our sins by the crucifixion of God’s son, so what does it really matter???? It doesn’t..
And McVeigh Jr, your rambles on pictures of the corpse of Laden and how the frenzy of Americans blood thirst to be quenched will not bring back the loved ones that fell, OBVIOUSLY. Nothing will ever bring them back dipshit, however if a little girl that was robbed of her mother or father feels some relief that the person behind the death of their loved one from seeing the dead bloated bullet ridden corpse of that person, then it is worth it.
However if you are going to take a stances on the opposition of posting corpse pictures, then don’t turn around and post the fucking supposed picture minutes later from your original draft of a brain queef that you decided to defecate upon the internet.

Anonymous said...

You ask: 'If you celebrate violence, how are you any different from the people you call terrorists?'

Answer: When someone does you an incredible wrong (eg 9/11) and has vowed to repeat such attacks wherever and whenever he can, it's only natural to be happy when such a threat is removed.

Bin Laden muredered 3000 people who were innocent of any crime and posed no threat to him or his kind, and he giggled about it like a schoolgirl on a tape afterwards. He was a vicious mass murderer who wasn't about to stop and if at any time in the past nine years he had got hold of you and me, we wouldn't be having this discussion because we'd be dead. That's why I'm happy he is gone.

There is your difference. If you still say you can't understand that, I guess, unlike the US military with Osama, I give up.

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "So what should the US have done, just let him go merrily along his way?"

I am not questioning what the military did, at least not in this article. My questions are about the way people are reacting to what happened.

Think about it. When you kill a pig for rolling around in the mud; then celebrate the pig's death by bathing in the same dirt, how are you any different from the pig you just slaughtered?

Listen, there is a right and a wrong way to do everything. A true soldier is both victorious and dignified in the same breath.

Rudy said...


Why should anyone pick God or not? Some people are Agnostic. Would ask a Bi-sexual to pick Gay or Straight? :)

Rudy said...

Would = Would you :)

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "Profound sadness = Worthless Blogger who writes for fitzdaily"

Yet, here you are - basking in the glory of my worthlessness.

You are a miserable person, and I suspect most people dislike you.

Anonymous said...


Tim, WAR contains NO dignity, Nor will it's soldiers!

"Sorry buddy, it wouldn't be "dignified" if I slit the enemys throat in their sleep, so I woke him up and he shot you before I could terminate him in a "dignified" way"

Anonymous said...

NO only looking at Paris Hilton finger banging her rotten crotch photos will bring back the thousands of victims...and also help Tim find some sort of sexual relief...

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "NO only looking at Paris Hilton finger banging her rotten crotch photos will bring back the thousands of victims...and also help Tim find some sort of sexual relief.."

Are you getting sleepy? Your posts are getting dumber by the keystroke.

Anonymous said...

Timothy you sound like the German paratroopers who complained after the Battle of Crete in WWII that it wasn't sporting to be fired on while their chutes were dropping like confetti on the island. Sorry, Fritz, old boy, if you're going to invade from the sky, seeking to kill me, don't expect me to hold my fire until you land, thus giving you a better chance to achieve your ambition. You started the fight so I'll hit you any way I can. You can like it or lump it.

Rudy said...


Personally, I am not celebrating bin Laden's death, because I don't see the point and I have better things to do (i.e. chatting here). :)

Rudy said...


Even the most devout Christian isn't going to follow Bible Teachings all the time.

Anonymous said...

"A true soldier is both victorious and dignified in the same breath"

Timmy, this isn't the 1700's where you may find a "dignified" English "Gentlemen" Soldier...

If you knew anything about being a soldier, you would realize a true soldier is not worried about dignity..

So once again, your rambles are quite retarded and show an extreme lack of any logic on your behalf. I think you need some more night classes at the local community college pal.

Timothy Fitz said...

Rudy said: "Timothy, Personally, I am not celebrating bin Laden's death, because I don't see the point and I have better things to do (i.e. chatting here). :)"

Call me crazy, but when I heard Bin Laden was dead, I felt both relieved and saddened. Relieved to know that a potential threat was removed, and saddened by the loss of life. I am also embarrassed by what I am seeing on my television.

The images of people celebrating Bin Laden's death on TV are akin to the images of people bringing picnic baskets and little children to lynchings - very disturbing.

Well... I guess I'm more eccentric than I previously thought. :-)

Rudy said...


I understand the relief, but not exactly the sadness. If given the opportunity, bin Laden might have murdered us at Willis Tower.

Timothy Fitz said...

If you think handling adversity with dignity and grace makes one retarded, then you are the one with the mental issues.

Truthfully, I don't expect you to say anything that is logical, reasonable, or compassionate. You are an angry person and everything you produce is tainted with vitriol.

I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean to say more of a fucking idiot then you previously thought.

I am touched that you have thoughts of sadness for the passing of Mr. Bin Laden, perhaps you would like to swim thru the Indian Ocean to recover his remains and properly bury him in the sands of the Kingdom?

Sadness for a man that targeted, and killed countless unaware people in the name of Allah. I would think that someone who didn't believe in God, would find someone murdering persons in the name of God, rather revolting? And not be struck with a sadness in their passing????

However one point that you may very well have struck upon is the activies occuring, yes, as much as it may pain me, I agree with you. It does seem a little much to be blasting 20 something year olds hold cans of Miller Lite wrapped in the American Flag chanting USA on TV over and over again. But that is the media..

Anonymous said...

"If you think handling adversity with dignity and grace makes one retarded, then you are the one with the mental issues."

Timmy, your quite like a woman, you take things and construct them to your liking. This wasn't regarding general adversity, this was in the discussion of a TRUE SOLDIER if you recall, and a true soldier is not concerned with dignity and grace. They are concerned with staying alive and protecting the person next to them and finishing their objectives regardes of dignity and grace.

Once again Timmy you know about jack shit about being a solider.

Perhaps you should discuss something you know more about?

Timothy Fitz said...

Rudy said: "Timothy, I understand the relief, but not exactly the sadness. If given the opportunity, bin Laden might have murdered us at Willis Tower"

Rudy, all life has value, even when the one holding that life cannot see its worth.

Bin Laden didn't just hurt the people who despised him, he also hurt the people who loved him. I'd be less than human if I could not empathize with their grief.

Rudy, I just don't have it in me to rejoice in someone else's death, no matter how despicable they are.

Like I said before, I am glad the threat has been removed, but regardless of the circumstances, I can't find an appropriate reason to celebrate a violent death.

Anonymous said...

I believe bin laden is dead, despite not seeing the photos, but I would never believe darling Paris Hilton would do a thing like that, even if I did see the pictures.

Timothy Fitz said...

Anonymous said: "I believe bin laden is dead, despite not seeing the photos, but I would never believe darling Paris Hilton would do a thing like that, even if I did see the pictures."

That's the funniest thing anyone has said ALL NIGHT! :-)

Anonymous said...

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and time of peace. ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8
There IS a time to kill, there Is a time to hate. Vengence is mine, saith the Lord...but he uses mortal man to extract that vengence....Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Show the pics of the dead body please! There are none to show! All of a sudden America is sensitive to Bin Ladan sense of being a Muslim and his desire to be buried within 24 hours of death?When has America ever given 2 shits about Islamic sensibilities? This is a lie. He is not dead,and if he is he was not just killed. This is re election year bullshit. Its just a lie my friend. Obama says that he did not want people to come to his grave and treat it like a shrine when everyone knows that the type of Islam in Arabia prohibits this kind of shrine which is why every Al Saud who has passed away has been buried in an unmarked grave. I could get some of your DNA and run around telling everyone your dead while your chewing qat at your friends house.

towanda said...

I can remember the media showing pictures of Palestinians jumping for joy and partying when the towers were hit and came down. It disturbed me greatly. I can remember seeing Saddam Hussein being hung, which disturbed me greatly as well. When will the media decide that it's just too much to put all these graphic images on national news? What's the point, other than ratings? Am I glad that Bin Laden has been wiped off the face of the earth? You bet but I don't need to see his body or the damage done to it to know that. Perhaps the people who lost loved ones in the towers do for closure, I don't know. But I do think it's all becoming too much. Children see this stuff and than see "Humans" jumping for joy at the brutality of death. What kind of message does that sent to them? We have become a far to jaded world. He's dead, couldn't it just be left at that?

As far as getting an answer to your questions from christians, Timothy, don't count on that. Christians have a tendency to quote verses from the bible that pertain to their agenda. Data has shown that only 33% of christians have ACTUALLY READ THE ENTIRE BIBLE! They only know the verses that pertain to them.

To the commenters who feel the need to degrade a persons character simply because their opinion doesn't jive with yours..WOW! Using profanity, calling a person unintelligent, an "opportunistic fuck" or a "sad sad man" only puts you in the same category as the very people who hate us! Witnesses cannot even agree on a criminal at a crime scene. They can't agree on what they looked like, what they were wearing or which way they went. We see, read and hear things differently. It's what makes the world go round BUT degrading a persons character simply because YOU disagree with them is so...."UNCHRISTIAN" You don't even know ANY of us on this blog. BTW, I'm agnostic so don't even go there:)

towanda said...

Anonymous@6:34. LIE??? And you know this how?? Did you ever think that perhaps sending Bin Laden to his "maker"..that would be the devil...in 24 hours was a diplomatic thing to do to RESPECT the MUSLIM beliefs? We do have a whole lot of Muslim's in this country not to mention the millions across the world who could be offended by us not honoring their religious beliefs...OH WAIT, we only honor christians beliefs in this country....NOT!
It is what it is and WHEN you're the president, YOU can do it YOUR way.

KUDO'S to our President, the military and the CIA for finally getting done what BUSH could not do in 8 YEARS!! Obama has just moved up in my eyes..."YES WE CAN"!!!

black magic said...

my question is where is the real photo of usama bin ladin dead body and if usa foreces killed usama bin laden so plz proved it to all over the world show the real dead body video of osama bin laden and photos

common-sense said...


Since you're not American, calling those who desire proof of death, "bloodthirsty", lacks decorum and journalistic ethos. There's more than just a few of us yanks who do not trust the Obama administration. In fact, given the administration's propensity to repeatedly talk out of both sides of its mouth, even pictures may not satisfy.

I can see reason not to release the pics in the name of national security, but it seems to fly in the face of reason that the US:

*violated a sovereign nation
*murdered a high-ranking official
*did it without sanction

So now -- after the fact -- one wants to tell me the administration had momentary lapse of conscience regarding a proper Muslim burial (within 24 hours) and the subsequent release of photos? It just doesn't fly.

So while I don't necessarily need to see gore, my desire for confirmation -- other than more lip service -- places me amongst the skeptics, not the "bloodthirsty". I think you're confusing the two. And for the record, if Bin Laden is dead, I won't lose a bit of sleep over it.

Anonymous said...

You people and your revenge? What do you know about revenge? Have any of you taken a life? I know all about it. Its not worth it. Let God deal with the wicked. Whether you beleive in Him or not, everyone gets what they deserve..in this life or the next. This ignorance is why the worlds ending, either by the hands of God, or by ours. I would say shame on yall for your hate, but that would make me just as ignorant. Take that plank outta your eye before you tell someone else to. Worry bout you and fuck the rest. Stay humble and thats it. What is all this for, pride?. Man to hell with that, I handle mines and thats that. Sure Americans fought for my freed0m but I didnt ask them to. I'll survive in America the same as I would anywhere else. By the way I also know a thing or two about serving and for what..to be tossed out with a pat on the back and no benefits?! Build for the next life not for this one. The world needs a reality check. Understand whats more important already FUCK!

Anonymous said...

In addition to what I just said, half of you wouldnt know what to do if bin laden was in your face...you wouldnt have the balls to do anything. So let me ask, what are you going to do when they rebel? you cowards will hide behind people like me and my team for safety. Lol but wont get it. Then we'll see exactly how much you believe in God, Im almost certain you'll begin to pray in fear. Its too bad he might not be there for you though, because of the hate you have in your hearts. ooops! everyone gets what they deserve..you people are just the same as them.

Anonymous said...

You could keep talking shit..this topic is gonna go go forever..look ima do what i do and if any of you wanna put actions to words then ill c u when i c u, unless God sees one of us first.

Anonymous said...

Yeah cuz u died and you know..someone hand me my ak so i could show this person how regular regular people are..o wen you get back tell me if there it all really exists.

Anonymous said...

I think you might be muslum..you can barely speak english..listen you are not allowed to represent Americans in this conversation anymore. youre done.

Rudy said...

"Would I ask a bisexual to pick gay or straight? No. If you are bisexual, being called straight is not an option that's on the table. :-)"

On 'Ricki Lake', during a "Bisexuals" episode, some/most (?) Gays repeatedly told the Bisexuals:
"Stop straddling the fence. Pick Gay or Straight".

So, if a person can be Bisexual, then a person can be Agnostic. Both are true for Earth. :)

Of course, in Heaven, it's a different court, because it's controlled by God who decides who enters or not. :)

Anonymous said...

ABC report: 'More details are emerging about the operation that ended Osama bin Laden's reign of terror, including how the Al Qaeda founder used one of his wives as a human shield during a firefight with US forces.'

To paraphrase that old saying, behind every great woman there's not necessarily such a great man ...

Anonymous said...

If this fearless warrior of Islam loved death, as he professed Muslims did, why did he hide behind a woman's skirt when death came a-calling? Answer: He preferred to send other gullible young Muslims to their death while he clung to life as a rat from a sinking ship clings to any chunk of debris he can find. The myth of this gutless jihadist exposed.

Anonymous said...

This is getting too much. When will you all stop behaving like immature little spoiled brats! Timothy I agree with you. I had the same mixed feelings. It did do justice to have this man killed as he had killed many innocent people himself but to celebrate it? No. I am an american myself and i felt ashamed to see my fellow americans celebrate his death outside the whitehouse. It is also indeed true that when 911 occurred, palestinians celebrated it on the streets but that's them and not us. Looks like america is no better.

Things is....if we study history we will come to know what atrocities, crimes, revolutions and organized crime syndicates that america supported, funded and controlled.

Sometimes i think, is patriotism a justified concept ? and is it logical thing? can we compare to the jingoism that the germans had during the nazi regime? isn't it all the same? The illogical and emotional desire to satisfy our ego by having thoughts of grandeur because of belonging to a certain political and international yet imaginary identity?

So many questions come to mind.

Anonymous said...

i haven't had a chance to read all of the entries but i am a bible believing christian and something can simply be said about this situation. Those involved in his finding, according to many newspapers said they would have taken him out alive but it was during an actual open fire.
NOW as far as the bible is concerned yes it says to turn the other cheek but this guy like hitler and all other is a mass murdering psycho who should have been taken and detained for life if he surrendered. BUT he didn't so by the laws given to us by God and our country INCLUDING international war laws gave them every right to kill him.
on a side not if you are an atheist ... why do you care ? and whose to say that those involved in his killing were atheists themselves or those who lost their families were also atheists therefore to THEM and YOU God's perspective is irrelevant and Osama's death is something to be rejoiced.

Anonymous said...

A death should never be rejoiced, on the other hand removing evil is great. whether you guys accept it or not..his life was taken by God. it was no accident. it is was it is. so settle down America and celebrate deep inside like a true champion. have you forgotten all weve learned. we look weak by celebrating on camera. you bring this country shame. instead keep your game face and appear strong. the war is not over. so stop pre-celebrating.

Anonymous said...

"Only the dead have seen the end of war." -Plato

Anonymous said...

After everything he did I think it's only natural that some will want to celebrate his passing in such a public hashion. It's called emotion, fuelled by those terrible images of 9/11. There's an awful lot of pain behind a lot of those happy faces. Celebrating like that is not for me, personally, but I do see where many of them are coming from, and who am I to critise them?.

Timothy Fitz said...

common-sense said: "Timothy, Since you're not American, calling those who desire proof of death, "bloodthirsty",

I'm not an American?! Would you like to see the long form of my birth certificate?

towanda said...

"Timmy, your quite like a woman, you take things and construct them to your liking."...How fricking insulting to women. I hope you're not a soldier or married!

" other than more lip service"...yea, like Bush didn't give us lip service for 8 very long years. At least Obama got him!

Anonymous @1:41, 1:42 & 1:43
You are in need of some serious medicine and help. Wherever you're from, don't come here. You sound way to evil for my liking. OH, and nice language!!!

" Im almost certain you'll begin to pray in fear"... those prayers are called "foxhole prayers" and I would bet you've done the same thing!

Anonymous said...

are you talking bout me im the one who talked about my brothers in arms beng over there

Anonymous said...

im the guy who posted may 2nd 811 and 814. Tim do you know what i did while i served the us in iragand afganistan i was e.o.d which if you dont know what that is its explosive ordinace dispatcher i defused dismantled bombs i buildings roadsides or where ever they were found and do you know who made those bombs Al Queada and do you know who lead Al Queada Osama Bin Ladin so you know what i would love to shake the hand of my brave brother who put a hollow point through his dam head and if it was my choice i woulda shot him in the leg only to bring him to the soil in which he stained with innocent blood and i would tie him to a pole and throw him into NYC and let people spit defecaite on him and stone his ass till he died the painful death he desereved

jas said...

i believe someones brutal death cant bring mankind joy and the question of celebration doesnt occur only if you are not as ill and cruel at heart as we expect any terrorist to be.........

towanda said...

I agree with you 100%. Joy comes from within NOT from ANYONES death and certainly not by seeing pictures. One second after hearing about his death and seeing pictures of his death, IF you are a miserable unhappy person, you will STILL be a miserable unhappy person. However, justice has been served...for a change..and this is a classic example of "what goes around comes around" so it made people "feel" good for a moment. The rest is up to them.

Timothy Fitz said...

jas, I agree with you 100%!

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