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Michele Bachmann: 'Get rid of the Department of Education, ban abortions'

Written By Alfred Haynes on Monday, September 5, 2011 | Monday, September 05, 2011

Michele Bachmann Palmetto Freedom Forum 2011. Photo: AP/Mary Ann Chastain.

If she takes control of the White House, Michele Bachmann has promised to fire thousands of federal employees and ban abortions - all in the name of smaller government.

During the Monday, September 5, 2011, Palmetto Freedom Forum in Columbia, S.C., Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said that if elected president, one of the ways she would balance our federal budget, is by getting rid of the Department of Education.

"The federal government is spending far in excess of what it takes in. Areas of government would include, for instance, I believe, the Department of Education. The constitution does not specifically enumerate, nor does it give to the federal government the role and duty to superintend over education. That historically has been held by the parents and by local communities and by state government," said Bachmann.

Once again, Bachmann is playing fast and loose with the facts.

The Department of Education does not "superintend over education", and the bulk of our education budget comes from local, state, and other federal sources.

The ED plays no role in creating schools and colleges, and has no say in the creation of school curriculum.

Furthermore, compared to the estimated $1.13 trillion dollars spent on education nationwide, the Department of Education's $69.9 billion budget is a mere drop in the bucket.

In addition to shutting down the Department of Education, Bachmann also said her administration would ban abortions.

When the presidential hopeful was asked about overturning Roe v. Wade, Bachmann said she would "put forward a human life amendment" and do everything she could to "restrict the number of abortions that occurs in the United States".

But Bachmann can't have it both ways. Either she wants to shrink the size of government, or she wants the expand the role of our government to include control over female reproductive rights; which is it?

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