What time is is? Quitting time?
Via Jesse Johnson's Facebook page, the former The Time guitarist announced that he is reconsidering his decision to rejoin musical forces with former bandmates Morris Day, Jerome Benton, Jimmy "Jam" Harris, Terry Lewis, Jellybean Johnson, and Monte Moir.
Jesse Johnson:
"I don't really think I'll be performing with the Original 7 (or The Time if your (sic) nasty) any more!" We simple don't see eye to eye on anything. Love the guys,
While Johnson's December 15th announcement eludes to general, creative musical differences - what he said the next day draws a more complete picture.
Drawing my own conclusions: not only is Johnson unhappy with The Original 7ven's musical direction, it appears some of his bandmates may have tried to change his image; e.g., his clothes and the way he wears his hair.
Jesse Johnson:
"No old just new! Always reach for the stars! Always reach! Always venture into the unknown, creatively that is! Never become complacent or live on your past achievements. And never, I do mean never, worry about what people think of your music, clothing, etc...ESPECIALLY if you dig/love what your (sic) doing."
Here's why Johnson's comments about other people's judgmental attitudes regarding clothing caught my attention.
Back in June 2010, The Original 7ven did a radio/TV interview where Morris, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, and Jerome ripped on Prince's unique style of dress.
Shots were taken at Prince's "booty-out-pants" and his "blouses".
While everyone in the room, including Jellybean, laughed at the seemingly mean-spirited jokes, Jesse Johnson and Monte Moir remained silent.
Could it be that Johnson, who from time to time, adorns outrageous outfits, was subjected to the same type of ridicule?
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