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Guantanamo Bay: Free room and board for life, on us!

Written By Alfred Haynes on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 | Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Not only has Obama backpedaled on closing Guantanamo Bay, he's planning to keep a portion of Gito's prisoners indefinitely - possibly for life.

An executive order, signed by the President on Monday, legalizes the permanent detention of Gitmo prisoners who are classified a significant threat to the U.S.

The order basically insures Gitmo will never close and many of the accused will never get a fair trial.

Even though the Obama Administration says each detainee's case will be reviewed within a year's time; the decision to hold a detainee indefinitely, will based on so-called intelligence reports, not hard evidence.

With every stroke of his presidential pen, Obama looks more like Bush everyday.



towanda said...

"Hope" "Yes we can" "Change"....while I voted for these things, seems we're getting a "Bush" in disguise. If these prisoners are indeed terrorists, than give them a trial now. They've been in prison long enough. Either try them or set them free.

"Promises Promises"

Timothy Fitz said...

Exactly!!! They aren't going to give them a court trial, because they don't have hard evidence. So, to get around the law, they have created a new law to keep them in prison indefinitely, without sufficient proof. And how much is this costing the taxpayers?

Obama is a big fat disappointment.

Rudy said...

Coming from the Chicago Daley Democratic Machine, I expected nothing from Obama. Look at the man-no birth certificate and no college degree. Doesn't that say something?

Out of a six year US Senate term, Obama barely served three years. I say "barely", because Year 1 was mostly voting "present", Year 2 was mostly the book tour and Year 3 was mostly the presidential run.

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